Stimulants to the power of men: synthetic and natural

A full sexual life is essential for half of humanity. Unfortunately, all the days of the vanity, poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations have left their mark on the manhood, which is directly related to these factors. The violation of the activity may occur at any age. Of these problems, no one is immune.

  • The external factors affecting male potency
  • The internal factors affecting the power of men
  • The power of stimulating on the base of the plant elements
  • The synthetic stimulants of the power
  • The power of natural stimulant

Any failures in the functioning of the male sexual organ is often cause panic among the men. They immediately begin to seek the possibility of returning to the loss of potential. It is this which explains the wide dissemination of all kinds of stimulants like power. Someone that use them on a regular basis, but most have only a vague idea.

The external factors affecting male potency

On the power affects the whole group of factors. Among the external factors are distinguished:

  • The state of the environment. The ecological situation (polluted air and water, the high, the background radiation) has a significant impact on the physical health. The damage is caused in the male body, which suffers the erectile function, the deterioration of fertility.
  • Professional factor. Poor working conditions, for example, dusted the principle or the presence of hazardous fumes. Non-compliance of safety measures can also adversely affect health.
  • A sedentary way of life. In the case of lack of motor activity disrupted the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. It is a result of the violation of the trophic and functionality of the genitals.
  • Trauma. After the trauma of the genitals, including following a surgical procedure, a man may lose certain functions because of a disability, or a hormonal imbalance.
  • Stimulants to the power of men
  • Cravings. A good diet plays a key role in the quality of the power. In addition to the filling of the energy resources, products of a diet will give your body the fuel for the synthesis of sex hormones. For the formation of the androgens you want the cholesterol is animal fat. The man must follow sufficiently the intake of fats in the body. Less than 30% must be fats in the diet of men, so that the body can continually synthesize steroid hormones. The deficit of cholesterol leads to the exhaustion of the body and the reduction of the power. Is important to consume foods rich in zinc and phosphorus, because they are stimulants and natural power.
  • The stress. Chronic stress and depression affect the power. Remaining in the condition of a psychic tension, the man loses interest to life, as a result, problems in bed. The physical fatigue and psychological with a regular lack of sleep depletes the body's reserves, this is why the man does not feel the desire of sexual contact with a woman, extinguished libido, endurance, decrease of the quality of the power.
  • Smoking, consumption of alcohol, addiction. Bad habits are a sore of considerable power.

The internal factors affecting the power of men

  • Diseases of the genito-urinary system, with inflammatory or organic of nature. They include not an inflammatory process, as well as infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually. When the inflammatory process is broken the function of the organ, in our case, suffers from a penis. Among the organic diseases, you can select a congenital abnormality genetic variance, the cancer pathology of genitals, and coast to coast. When the adenoma of the prostate is broken the outflow of the ejaculate and the urine of the urinary canal. If the prostate is not cleared, and accumulates the secret, it is fraught with serious complications.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system. The violation of gender balance and female sex hormones, which leads to a decrease in sexual activity. A hormone imbalance can interfere with the proper development male sexual system. When this endocrine pathology such as diabetes, are affected blood vessels, and disturbed microcirculation of the blood in the pelvic organs. The Glycosylation of nerve fibers, which leads to a decrease in penis sensitivity.
  • Somatic disease. Heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases are accompanied by violation of the circulation of the blood, which causes the violation of the activity. One of the symptoms of the atherosclerosis obliterans of the aorta is impotence. In paralysis and paresis of various etiologies, may aggravate the power, up to impotence.
The power of stimulating on the base of the plant elements

The power of stimulating on the base of the plant elements

The more popularity among the pharmacy stimulants of power bought as food supplements. The more often it is a homeopathic plant medicine has a natural base. These pharmaceutical products quite been able to cope with problems of power, however, the use, it is recommended that, after consultation of the doctor. A specialist will help you choose the appropriate drug among a great diversity.

It is to be noted that the action of the mass of food supplements is intended only to short-term increases of the power, but to eliminate the root cause of poor erection they are not able to. These stimulators of power allow you to improve the quality of sex, affirmation of the feeling of men. Their you can apply a lot of time, because they do not cause addiction.

The effect of the stimulant of natural origin is based on the improvement of the blood circulation in the sexual organ depends on the power. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can encounter the drugs that you need to take courses, and there are those that are used directly in the opposite sexual intimacy.

The synthetic stimulants of the power

Take these stimulants prior to sexual intimacy, and reached the effect lasts for a certain period of time. The experiments have proved that the man cannot get used to these drugs, but without the sexual arousal is the effect to achieve the impossible.

Due to the fact that the synthetic stimulants, a number of contra-indications, apply only on prescription of the attending physician. Is not recommended for taking Viagra the men of cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes. The side effects of the medication can manifest itself in the form of the head or lumbar pain, dizziness, nausea.

The power of natural stimulant


For the stimulation of the power are well suited for certain foods. The nutrients contained in them, have a positive effect on erectile function. These products have received the name of aphrodisiacs. Since ancient times, people are not without success, used the gifts of nature to strengthen the sexual energy. Beautiful stimulants of power are the following products:

  • Nuts. Contain significant amounts of trace elements and vitamins. All types of nuts see as a natural aphrodisiac. The most effective almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts. Still more benefits that they provide in combination with honey.
  • The fruits of the sea. Are distinguished by a high content of zinc is the element responsible for the synthesis of testosterone. In order to strengthen the virile force need not to forget the oysters, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, mussels.
  • Of the meat. The meat products provides the body with proteins needed to strengthen the erection. Not recommended to use the fat from the meat. It will be useful to beef, and turkey.
  • The vegetable food. Some fruits and vegetables can have a positive impact on the potency and libido. As a recognized leader for the force of men are the celery, the persil, coriander, onions, figs, garlic.